Industry Partners

Employers: Building a Diverse Workforce

Are you an employer looking to collaborate with Break Through Tech Miami? You’ve come to the right place! Miami is a #3 Top Emerging Tech Hub in the Country (Mashable). Break Through Tech Miami is dedicated to increasing gender diversity in the tech industry by providing opportunities for all students, but especially women and gender-diverse individuals, to excel in tech careers. We believe that by working together, we can accelerate gender equality in the Miami tech scene beyond the classroom through partnerships and collaborations that are sure to make a difference.

Why Join the Break Through Tech Initiative:

  • Contribute to increasing gender diversity in the tech industry.

  • Gain access to a talented pool of motivated and skilled individuals.

  • Help shape the future of tech by mentoring and guiding the next generation of tech leaders.

  • Build connections with like-minded employers and industry experts.
  • Make a positive impact on the lives of students and the broader tech community.

Ways to Get Involved:

  • Sprinternship Host: Our Sprinternship program is a 3-week micro-internship, providing students with an immersive and impactful learning experience. As a Sprinternship host, you have the opportunity to mentor and guide talented students, giving them the hands-on experience, they need to succeed in the tech industry. By hosting a Sprinternship, you not only contribute to a student’s professional growth but also gain fresh perspectives and insights from the next generation of tech leaders.
  • Lead Workshops: Break Through Tech Miami organizes workshops(Guilds) to provide students with the opportunity to learn valuable skills and expand their knowledge in various tech domains. As an industry expert, you can contribute by leading a workshop and sharing your expertise with our students. Whether it’s a technical skill, career development, or industry trends, your workshop can make a significant impact on the participants’ learning journey.
  • Hire New Talent: Break Through Tech Miami is home to a talented pool of diverse students who are ready to embark on their tech careers. By hiring from our community, you not only contribute to creating a more inclusive workforce but also gain access to highly motivated and skilled individuals. Our students come from various backgrounds and possess a range of technical and soft skills, making them valuable assets to any organization.

For more information or any inquiries, please contact us at We look forward to collaborating with you and driving positive change in the tech industry!